Monday, May 2, 2011

HTML5 Rendering- How Do The iPad2, Playbook, Xoom and Galaxy Tab Options Stack-up?

div#atffc { position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; } HTML5 Rendering- How Do The iPad2, Playbook, Xoom and Galaxy Tab Options Stack-up? ReadWriteHackReadWriteWebChannelsReadWriteStartReadWriteBizReadWriteEnterpriseReadWriteCloudReadWriteHack ReadWriteMobileInternationalReadWriteBrazil ReadWriteChina ReadWriteFrance ReadWriteSpain ReadWriteHackHomeArchives More Articles & Blogs RSSTwitterFacebook HTML5 Rendering- How Do The iPad2, Playbook, Xoom and Galaxy Tab Options Stack-up? By Klint Finley / April 20, 2011 12:15 PM / 0 CommentsTweetHacker News

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 HTML5 has been seen as a silver bullet for developers building rich, cross-platform sites for desktops, smartphones and tablets. Tablet in particular have generated much excitement by offering fast processors, large screens and WebKit-based browsers.

But how does the rendering on tablets really standup? Sencha, which sells mobile development tools, has tested HTML5 rendering on the iPad 2, Xoom, Galaxy Tab and PlayBook to see how each one measures up.

Blackberry PlayBook

The BlackBerry PlayBook is Sencha's latest test subject. Like all the tablets tested, except the Galaxy Tab, the PlayBook scored 100% of the Acid3 test. Acid3 has been criticized for its lack of real-world applicability, but it's still an impressive score. The tablet's Modernizr results were impressive as well. According to Sencha, WebGL was the only major HTML5 feature missing. "However, as we found in our earlier scorecards, just because a browser says something is there, it doesn't mean it always works," Sencha notes.

The company also put the PlayBook through a number of performance tests, and found it worked admirably. It notes that the PlayBook is second only to the iPad2 in CSS rendering, and writes "For those SVG folks who have been waiting to get their hands on a great mobile app platform for SVG. It's here!"

Here's how the dual-core processor tablets rate against each other on the SunSpider CPU test:


Apple iPad 2

Along with the PlayBook, the iPad 2 provides a top-touch HTML5 experience according to Sencha. It scores a 100 on Acid3. Modernizer reported all major HTML5 features, except Inline SVG. However, Sencha found that Inline SVG actually did work, but WebGL did not.

The iPad2 beats all the other tablets in most performance tests as well.

Motorola Xoom

Although the Xoom scored a 100 on the Acid3 test, Sencha reports that it still has some rendering bugs. Most major HTML5 features were reported in Modernizer, except for WebGL, Web Sockets, and Web Workers. However, Sencha found major issues in the way SVG and CSS3 animations were actually rendered, leading the company to conclude that the Xoom's HTML5 support is sub-par compared to the PlayBook's. However, its dual-core processor performed admirably.

Samsung Galaxy Tab

This was the first of theses tests done, in December 2010, of the original 7" Galaxy Tab - not the newer 10" tablet. It was obviously conducted before the software update for the Tab was released earlier this month.

The Tab only scored a 93 on the Acid3 test, mostly due to its lack of support for SVG. According to Sencha, " In common with the iPad, the Galaxy Tab lacks Web Workers, WebGL, inline SVG and IndexedDB." However, "Unlike the iPad (running iOS 4.2), the Galaxy Tab still lacks CSS3 3D transforms, SVG, and Web Sockets."

Its performance was quite good, beating out the original iPad in most tests.


See Also Internet Explorer, WebGL and a Return to the Bad Old Days Microsoft MIXed Messages on Silverlight, Internet Explorer 10 Live Blog: Microsoft MIX 2011 Day 1 - Internet Explorer 10 Preview, and More Intel Senior Vice President Renee James Talks About MeeGo and the Tablet Experience Tweet
? Prior Post Next Post ? Posted in Tips and tagged with blackberry, galaxy tab, html5, ipad, mobile, motorola, playbook, rim, samsung, tablets, xoom Comment Subscribe E-mail ThisPrint This Digg Share David LemieuxActually Apple started by promoting WEB apps at the start of the iPhone.
Users and developers insisted on the native apps. Just look at the NYT WEB page, it is much better in the app then the WEB Browser. That is the case with many sites which use Flash. I find it worse with such a small screen. The real estate taken up by the browser makes the actual useable screen too small for me. The 16:9 format might be great for movies but is quite poor for most other uses.Georges28The number of things HTML5+CSS3+JS lack:
- No Peer2Peer
- Dosen't Decode Video Formats (Browser Specific: WebM, h264, MP4, Ogg, etc;)
- Can't interact with your webcam or record Audio
- Forget Augmented Reality
- Absolutely No Web Conferencing
- No Full Screen (especially for Mobile is a big deal)
- Just isn't Cross Browser Compatible!!

Also 1/4 of the sites I visit have Flash... What does Apple expect me to do... go to a Network Cafe and log on to see the phone number of a posh restaurant?

Sooooo... I got the Playbook!! :) The Size is Wonderful, and I gave the iPad to my girl... I feel bad now... Maybe I'll get her a Playbook too :)JMSunspider doesn't say anything. Could you please add results from Microsoft's FishIE Tank or similar test?Erik BigelowThanks for this post! It's unfortunate that this is the most important feature, but probably the least understood by the average user. Saying "We've got a billion apps!" is so much easier to market and for my parents to understand than "We've got a browser that will support almost everything you can do with a native app but you're not tied to one platform!"

There are some brilliantly done native web app experiences also (I'm looking at you Google). If other tablet makers want to take away from the iPad sales then they need to start promoting this, and encourage native web app building (websites that will detect the tablet and screensize and adjust the experience accordingly). I would think that's much easier than a team dedicated to iPad and another to Android and now possibly another to comments powered by Disqus Sponsored by New AppUp Support for .NET From the AppUp Developer Program Blog MeetUp with Intel AppUp @ AppNation! Intel AppUp developer program comes to Mobile Monday London How to build an AppUp app from existing flash code using AppUp encapsulator How to build an AppUp app from a web page using AppUp encapsulator Mobile Monday London – one week to go More from the AppUp Developer Blog ?Articles & BlogsNew! .NET SDKThe AppUp developer program launched support for .NET applications by releasing the .NET SDK, along with anIDE Plug-In for Visual Studio 2008. This plug-in reduces development time to integrate the AppUp SDKs and buildsthe MSI needed to submit your application for distribution and sales via the IntelR AppUpSM Center. The IDE Plug-insupports both the C/C++ and .NET SDK for Microsoft Windows when using Visual Studio 2008.More articles & blogs ?POPULAR TAGSjavascriptgoogleapiapistutorialsmicrosoftnode.jsnosqlbig datadatabasesdatahtml5developer toolsprogramming languagesopen sourcerubyhacksphppollsbigdatacouchdbdatabaseintelgeolocationcomputer science educationcontestsdata miningdata visualizationdevelopmenthadoopideintel appupjavamobileopensourceapi of the weekinternet explorerjquerytwitterdata sciencedeveloperspythonresourcesstatisticstoolsvideoanalyticsappupcloudgithub

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